Established in 1908, the IPOA includes approximately 1500 Iowa Peace Officers including Police Chiefs, Sheriffs, Police Officers, Deputies and State & Federal Officers. It is our goal to help develop and promote high quality law enforcement in Iowa.
The Iowa Peace Officers Association sincerely appreciates your previous donations to our sponsor program. Your dollars have benefitted the IPOA member services, operations and activities. The Iowa Peace Officers Association recognizes the value of providing quality training to our members and promoting safety for all the citizens of Iowa. We are requesting your vital support again this year to sponsor our annual training conference which will be held at Prairie Meadows March 16th & 17th, 2020.
Our members support many prevention programs involving the youth and child endangerment issues throughout Iowa. Our experience in the field provides us with firsthand knowledge of the dangers facing our young people as well as to all of our citizens. The IPOA has and will continue to promote legislation that will KEEP OUR KIDS SAFE with the SOBERING FACTS ABOUT DRINKING AND DRIVING as well as state laws banning TEXTING AND DRIVING. We are also working on over 50 pieces of legislation at the Capitol. Kellie Paschke and Troy Skinner represent the IPOA as our lobbyist.
In recent years we have streamlined our association in becoming more efficient and effective as we continue to work with state government. We greatly appreciate your financial gifts and support in these difficult and trying economic times. To grow a stronger Iowa we must continue to work together. It has been my pleasure and honor to work 42 years in Law Enforcement, I have served as the Sec.-Treasurer for this association since 2005 and 100% of your donations will benefit the citizens of Iowa. Money raised through donations from gracious Iowa residents will be crucial in keeping our communities safe.
Thank you in advance for your thoughtful consideration. Please donate your gift of $10-$100 or more by using the PayPal account at the top of this page or sending a check to: IPOA P.O. Box 100 Denver, Iowa 50622. Working together we can acheive so much more.
Terry Dehmlow
Secretary/Treasurer, Iowa Peace Officers Association