Iowa Peace Officers


Photojournalist Eric J. Salmon has proudly served as editor of Iowa Law Enforcement magazine since 1998. Salmon also photographs IACPPO events and holds in highest regard Iowa's very dedicated and professional men and women of law enforcement. Please email your stories, photos and ads for Iowa Law Enforcement magazine to Eric at 


Eric Salmon


You can access our recent Iowa Law Enforcement Magazines by clicking on the icons below and to the right.Iowa Law Enforcement

The most recent issue of the Iowa Law Enforcement and  the Iowa Gold Star are now available in this electronic version only. Our next issue will again be the joint magazine with Iowa Peace Officers and the Iowa Sheriff's & Deputies Association. This offers excellent opportunities to our Advertisers to reach all of Iowa with their ads at a very affordable price. Please support those who advertise in our magazine when making future purchases, we could not publish this magazine without their support.